{{#if isRejected}}
The hits have been marked as rejected by {{finalizedBy}} on {{completedOn}}
{{#if finalizeComment}}
{{/if}} {{#if isAccepted}}
The hits have been marked as accepted by {{finalizedBy}} on {{completedOn}} {{#if finalizeComment}}

Verification summary

{{#if verificationStatuses.pep}}
{{#if (equalsTo verificationStatuses.pep.status 'orange')}} {{else}} {{/if}}
Checks performed on
{{/if}} {{#if verificationStatuses.sanctions}}
{{#if (equalsTo verificationStatuses.sanctions.status 'orange')}} {{else}} {{/if}}
Checks performed on
{{/if}} {{#if verificationStatuses.adverse-media}}
{{#if (equalsTo verificationStatuses.adverse-media.status 'orange')}} {{else}} {{/if}}
Adverse media
Checks performed on
{{#if (gt (length hits) 0)}}
{{length hits}} hits found for {{verificationSubject}} on {{checkDate}}
{{#each hits}} {{/each}}
Name Matched Match status
{{name}} {{implode keyData.hits ', '}} {{keyData.match_status}}
No hits found for {{verificationSubject}} on {{checkDate}}
{{#if (gt (length hits) 0)}} {{#each hits}} {{#if (gt (length this.pep) 0)}}
{{#if (gt (length this.pep) 0)}}
{{#each pep}}
{{name}} {{#each sourceFields}}
{{/if}} {{/if}}
{{#if (gt (length this.sanctions) 0)}}
{{#if (gt (length this.sanctions) 0)}}
{{#each sanctions}}
{{name}} {{#each sourceFields}} {{#if (equalsToArray name 'Other Information' 'Related URL' 'Program')}}
{{#if (isNan @index)}}
{{#if (isNan @index)}}
{{/if}} {{/each}}
{{/if}} {{/if}}
{{#if (gt (length this.media) 0)}}
{{#if (gt (length this.media) 0)}}
{{#each media}}
{{#if date}}
Published on {{formatDate date}}
{{/if}} {{/if}}
{{/each}} {{/if}}