Signing log

Contract generated
Contract signed

Personal information of the signer

First name
{{#if firstName}} {{firstName}} {{else}} {{#if constantData.firstName}} {{constantData.firstName}} {{else}} N/A {{/if}} {{/if}}
Last name
{{#if lastName}} {{lastName}} {{else}} {{#if constantData.lastName}} {{constantData.lastName}} {{else}} N/A {{/if}} {{/if}}
Date of Birth
{{#if dateOfBirth}} {{dateOfBirth}} {{else}} {{#if constantData.dateOfBirth}} {{constantData.dateOfBirth}} {{else}} N/A {{/if}} {{/if}}

Device info of the signer

IP Address
User Agent

Type of investor:
{{#if (equalsTo chooseType 'naturalPerson')}}
Natural Person
Legal Person
{{#if (equalsTo chooseType 'naturalPerson')}}
First name:
Last name:
{{#if countryOfBirth}}
Country of birth:
{{/if}} {{#if naturalpersonadd}}
{{#if (equalsTo naturalpersonadd.mode 'manual')}}
{{naturalpersonadd.address.address1}}, {{#if naturalpersonadd.address.address2}}{{naturalpersonadd.address.address2}}, {{/if}} {{#if}}{{}}, {{/if}} {{#if}}{{}}, {{/if}} {{#if naturalpersonadd.address.state}}{{naturalpersonadd.address.state}}, {{/if}} {{#if}}{{}} {{/if}}
{{naturalPersonAddress}}, {{#if naturalPersonAddress2}}{{naturalPersonAddress2}}, {{/if}} {{#if naturalPersonCity}}{{naturalPersonCity}}, {{/if}} {{#if naturalPersonZipCode}}{{naturalPersonZipCode}}, {{/if}} {{#if naturalPersonState}}{{naturalPersonState}}, {{/if}} {{#if naturalPersonCountry}}{{naturalPersonCountry}} {{/if}}
Personal Tax Details (compulsory)

FATCA declaration

The following information allows us to fulfil our obligations to foreign tax requirements under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). If you have any questions regarding your status, please consult your tax or financial adviser.

If you may be taxable in the US, we are obliged to pass your details on to the Dutch tax authorities. The Dutch tax authorities will forward this information to the US tax authorities (IRS).

Are you a US citizen?
Are you a US tax resident?
{{#if areYouAUsTaxResident}}{{areYouAUsTaxResident}}{{else}}no{{/if}}
Please provide your US Social Security Number (SSN) or US Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)
{{#if ssnitin}}{{ssnitin}}{{else}}N/A{{/if}}

Tax status

Nationality / citizenship
{{#if nationalityCitizenship}}{{nationalityCitizenship}}{{else}}N/A{{/if}}
Dual nationality
{{#if dualNationality}} {{dualNationality.label}} {{else}} N/A {{/if}}
Primary country of residence for tax purposes
{{#if primaryCountryOfResidenceForTaxPurposes}}{{primaryCountryOfResidenceForTaxPurposes}}{{else}}N/A{{/if}}
{{#if primaryCountryOfResidenceForTaxPurposes}} {{#if (equalsTo tinAvailable 'yes')}}
My Tax Identification Number in {{primaryCountryOfResidenceForTaxPurposes}}:
Do you have a Tax Identification Number in {{primaryCountryOfResidenceForTaxPurposes}}:
Reason for tax identification number not being applicable in {{primaryCountryOfResidenceForTaxPurposes}}:
{{/if}} {{/if}}
Are you a registered tax payer of any country other than your primary country of residence?
{{#if areYouARegisteredTaxPayerOfAnyCountryOtherThanYourPrimaryCountryOfResidence}}{{areYouARegisteredTaxPayerOfAnyCountryOtherThanYourPrimaryCountryOfResidence}}{{else}}no{{/if}}
In how many additional countries are you a tax payer?
{{#if addtaxcountries}}{{addtaxcountries}}{{else}}N/A{{/if}}
{{#if addtaxcountries}} {{#if countryOfTaxResidence}}
Additional country (tax payer):
{{#if (equalsTo tinpresent1 'yes')}}
My Tax Identification Number in {{countryOfTaxResidence}}:
Do you have a Tax Identification Number in {{countryOfTaxResidence}}:
Reason for Tax Identification Number not being applicable in {{countryOfTaxResidence}}:
{{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if countryOfTaxResidence1}}
Additional country 2 (tax payer):
{{#if (equalsTo tinpresent2 'yes')}}
My Tax Identification Number in {{countryOfTaxResidence1}}:
Do you have a Tax Identification Number in {{countryOfTaxResidence1}}:
Reason for Tax Identification Number not being applicable in {{countryOfTaxResidence1}}:
{{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if countryOfTaxResidence2}}
Additional country 3 (tax payer):
{{#if (equalsTo tinpresent3 'yes')}}
My Tax Identification Number in {{countryOfTaxResidence2}}:
Do you have a Tax Identification Number in {{countryOfTaxResidence2}}:
Reason for Tax Identification Number not being applicable in {{countryOfTaxResidence2}}:
{{/if}} {{/if}} {{/if}}
Entity Tax Details (compulsory)

FATCA declaration

The following information allows us to fulfil our obligations to foreign tax requirements under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). If you have any questions regarding your status, please consult your tax or financial adviser.

If the entity may be taxable in the US, we are obliged to pass the details on to the Dutch tax authorities. The Dutch tax authorities will forward this information to the US tax authorities (IRS).

Is the entity a US tax resident?
{{#if isEntityAUsTaxResident}}{{isEntityAUsTaxResident}}{{else}}no{{/if}}
Please provide the entity's US Tax Identification Number (TIN):
{{#if entitytin}}{{entitytin}}{{else}}N/A{{/if}}

Foreign entity information

You indicated the entity is registered in {{countryOfRegistration}}

{{#if individualTaxIdentificationNumberTin1}}
Entity's Tax Identification Number in {{countryOfRegistration}}:
Do you have a Tax Identification Number in {{countryOfRegistration}}?
Reason for Tax Identification Number not being applicable in {{countryOfRegistration}}?
{{/if}} {{#if addtaxcountriesentity}} {{#if countryOfTaxResidence6}}
Additional country (tax payer):
{{#if (equalsTo tinpresent5 'yes')}}
My Tax Identification Number in {{countryOfTaxResidence6}}:
Do you have a Tax Identification Number in {{countryOfTaxResidence6}}:
Reason for Tax Identification Number not being applicable in {{countryOfTaxResidence6}}:
{{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if countryOfTaxResidence7}}
Additional country 2 (tax payer):
{{#if (equalsTo tinpresent6 'yes')}}
My Tax Identification Number in {{countryOfTaxResidence7}}:
Do you have a Tax Identification Number in {{countryOfTaxResidence7}}:
Reason for Tax Identification Number not being applicable in {{countryOfTaxResidence7}}:
{{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if countryOfTaxResidence8}}
Additional country 3 (tax payer):
{{#if (equalsTo tinpresent7 'yes')}}
My Tax Identification Number in {{countryOfTaxResidence8}}:
Do you have a Tax Identification Number in {{countryOfTaxResidence8}}:
Reason for Tax Identification Number not being applicable in {{countryOfTaxResidence8}}:
{{/if}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/if}}